Ignosi Hallmark

What is Hallmark ?

                 Ignosi Hallmark is a complete solution for jewelry businesses, covering various aspects such as purchase, stock management, sales, and customer relations. It facilitates smooth operations for handling gold ornaments and bullion transactions, along with supplier and smith management. Detailed processes for acidification, melting, and gain/loss management ensure accurate accounting and inventory control.

Manage puravhase

Purchase Management

  • Its very staff friendly to manage purchase orders in real time from the digital platform. We made it easy.

  • Stock Management

  • Automated stock management system. Get to know your stocks accurately..
  • Stock Management

    Sales Management

    Sales Management

  • It’s simple and easy to make your bills with quick and easy billing. Spent more time with your customer. Pen free corporate billing..

  • Smith Management

  • Managing purity along with weight for multiple transactions are quite easy now, we made it as simple as possible.
  • Smith Management

    Customer Management

    Customer Management

  • Interact more with your customer. Greet, chat and make them happy and welcome back your customer.

  • Accounts Management

  • Managing a jewellery account is very simple now. We are veterans in banking and fintech .With years of experience we made it prominent.
  • Accounts Management