
What is Bid ?

                This module specializes in chit fund management, adhering to regulatory frameworks while providing user-friendly dashboards for efficient monitoring. It enables easy tracking of individual chit performnaces, fund management, and credit assessment. Additionally, the inclusion of mobile app support streamlines collection management, ensuring convenience for both customers and agents.

                Unlock the potential of your chit fund business with Ignosi BID, your all-in-one solution for seamless chit fund management. Say goodbye to the complexities of traditional methods and embrace efficiency, security, and growth like never before.

Key Features of Ignosi Bid Software

  • Improved Customer Experience
  • Comprehensive Business and Financial Reports
  • Centralized Branch Operations
  • Statutory and General Compliance
  • Mobile App for Customers and Collection Agents
  • Passbook Printing Module
  • Chit Agreements
  • SMS and Email Notifications
key features
Streamlined Expansion

Streamlined Expansion

  • With Ignosi BID, expanding your chit business to new locations is just a few keystrokes away. Our intuitive platform empowers you to start new branches quickly, enabling effortless growth and market penetration.

  • Effortless Management

  • Managing multiple locations has never been easier.Ignosi BID handles every aspect of your chit fund business – from staff management to client relations, payroll, HR, accounting, reporting, taxation, chit management, and beyond – all from a single, seamless platform.
  • Effortless Management

    End-to-End Control

    End-to-End Control

  • Take full control of your business with Ignosi BID's comprehensive suite of tools. From ensuring data security with the latest technology to maximizing profitability at every step, Ignosi BID puts you in the driver's seat of your chit fund enterprise.

  • Safe and Secure

  • Rest easy knowing that your data is protected with Ignosi BID's advanced security measures. Our platform safeguards your business from prying eyes and theft, giving you peace of mind and complete control over your valuable information.
  • Our sysstem provide safe and secure platform
    With our platform, you can optimize operations

    Maximized Returns

  • Experience the unparalleled advantages of Ignosi BID and watch as your chit fund business flourishes. With our platform, you can optimize operations, enhance customer experiences, and achieve greater ROI with ease.

  • Dedicated Support

  • At Ignosi, we're committed to your success. Our friendly support team is always on hand to assist you, ensuring that your operations run smoothly and efficiently, every step of the way.
  • We have a dedicated team to support you
    streamlines operations and enhances productivity

    Efficiency Redefined

  • Bid farewell to paperwork and human error with Ignosi BID's paper-free, digital platform. By replacing manual ledgers with automated processes, Ignosi BID streamlines operations and enhances productivity like never before.

  • customer filtered as easy as possible

    Chittal List

  • View all your chittals in a quick info way. Get your customer filtered as easy as possible.

  • Chittal Profile

  • A detailed review of a chital with service history is available.
  • get chittal profile

    helps you to manage your accounnts easy


  • A common man can manage accounts now, our software prepares Automated Book of accounts with Balance sheet, Trial Balance and P & L of your firm .

  • Reports

  • All of our reports are carbon free; no more complications, prepare your reports instantly from any where.
  • various reports

    integrate their products and services

    Ignosi Chitty

  • Allows chit institutions to integrate their products and services with third-party applications.
  • Online tablet application allows doorstep banking in remote areas by field agents.
  •                 Empowering Your Chit Fund Business for Success. Experience the future of chit fund management today.